Thursday, August 16, 2007

midnight massacre

darkened dampen roads reveal
dressed up whores ready to unveil
stripped out shame and traded flesh
spreading among cartilage hungry men

silence slashed d wrist of shame
wen she entered with face full of pain
white was sober in her mane
black covered her insecure plain

toppled men covered their face,
woman laughed loud in insane,
where hath she entered, this beautiful dame
right in d dungeon of dirt and the games.

hung her head so low to the ground
her eyes reflected
in the rain drenched lands
eerie touched d skin of filth's
as she sat under the devils ring

a step towards her, took he
was among the few who planned this
touched the black robe she hid her plain
burned to the ground was he
set afire in her blaze of glory

so pure was she,
her gaze met the eyes of the burning beast
massacre she set
wherever she went

silence was all she could churn
another thunder she went insane
ripped her flesh and untied her mane
pool of blood oozed down her lane

cried and ran away
away in the forbidden forest to stay
never heard , never to be seen

massacre she set
wherever she went


dark stranger said...

hmmm wah made u write dis ???

waheva d reason is ...its fukn kickazzz.....

\m/ \m/

Anand Viankara said...

pick of the loot!!...keep writin...fuckin amazing!!

Unknown said...

wooowwwwwiii... mind blowing. shoot i dont even know u :P. oh well. amazing work