Friday, August 31, 2007

Avril et Mai

i went back to ponder
how April passed by
d cold chilly winter
melted down
d windows ice

it was he who waved
a final goodbye
with sorted out black roses (for me)
a brethren to join by

they walked up the moors
covered great mountains soon
to see the holy carved eye
upon the cypress star shine

cover me with fever
freeze me down my spine
bring those cold December's
celebrating d holy days

embrace my liquid fragrance
that made me sin my ways
make me yours forever
as April mates the May

Nocturnal visions

keep me far from the lantern
afar...... where the unheard cold sings
make me blind in the darkness
where creeps d unborn sin

across the gruesome corner
where the shiny sphere ball blings
i saw my own reflection
unable to remember my past stings

let my arms
search for the ordnance
to kill d ghosts of my past
who made believe the tales
of my life and the untrue wrath

their acts of thousand ages
percolated through my skin
made me taste my own dishonour
named me wrath child instead

faint flames flickering the tower
the last my eyes could see
plagued before the sunrise
i was d only one to be smeared

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Minced Me

amidst the chaos
she heads her home
among brutalities
she cleanses her
impure blood of me

lead me home
she winces in pain
from the cliff I'm hanging
going down my own grave

buried my existence
she walks away from my chain
moth covered sheets of stain
sampled tested blood
she carries the deadly grains

minced meat stuck in d drain
ascending d stairs
she found her trouble starting to stare

over the windowpane
she spotted blood on d sill
her grin on her lip saw
my body hanging on her cherry tree

Thursday, August 16, 2007

midnight massacre

darkened dampen roads reveal
dressed up whores ready to unveil
stripped out shame and traded flesh
spreading among cartilage hungry men

silence slashed d wrist of shame
wen she entered with face full of pain
white was sober in her mane
black covered her insecure plain

toppled men covered their face,
woman laughed loud in insane,
where hath she entered, this beautiful dame
right in d dungeon of dirt and the games.

hung her head so low to the ground
her eyes reflected
in the rain drenched lands
eerie touched d skin of filth's
as she sat under the devils ring

a step towards her, took he
was among the few who planned this
touched the black robe she hid her plain
burned to the ground was he
set afire in her blaze of glory

so pure was she,
her gaze met the eyes of the burning beast
massacre she set
wherever she went

silence was all she could churn
another thunder she went insane
ripped her flesh and untied her mane
pool of blood oozed down her lane

cried and ran away
away in the forbidden forest to stay
never heard , never to be seen

massacre she set
wherever she went

Black Mottled Might

paint my face with blood sweat n tears
write my story in dim dark lights
sit on d creepy corridors
and begin my lonesome fight

born to the grim and aloof
distant faces i remember
might say my birth was a plight
to save their lusty night

mother of pain n boredom
bring me close to you
let thy darkness engage me
in d game of gloom n doom

clip my mind that makes me
wander for the light
entwine me in the misery
of darkness and its might

make me cry and torture me
let the walls too hear
the tales of cryptic angel
her anger and her snare

what might she used to carry
onlookers cursed by d stare
black immortal chamber
her portrait still remains