Monday, September 24, 2007

Fragile Existence

they smelt lavender in English rains
the greens breed on her ashes again
cremated before she saw her face
even before she knew her name

a daylight she honoured
a night she stayed awake
a song she heard from her mother
and many noises she couldn't take

a breath to catch and a life to save
a battle to be won
a darkness to stay away

sensed a gloom among the mortals in white
masked in the glory of medicines in life
a life to pump in and not to say good bye
they strive hard to make her breath and cry

A resonance echoed , she felt her eyes close
cold sensation down her last bone
white covered this infants plain
yet she was named....
remembered in suffering till this day

Rahel Miriam
01/06/2007 - 02/06/2007


Anand Viankara said...

sry abt wht happ!!...a fitting tribute!!....RIP!!

Anonymous said...

excellent imagination. KEEP WRITING MORE