Monday, May 24, 2010

The Black Corona

Under the dark veil, covered in grief,
Mystified presence, her dark eye… gleamed.
Dark origins flowed from her mane,
Stinging grief was all that remained

Gazed into the fire, she danced with the flames
Poured me another to celebrate my absent days
The mead twisted my sinister past
Made me travel to the unknown lands

Under the dark wheels, she wrung my hand
Her fingers gaily moved through my pain
As the glare of the streets grew dim
She cried out loud and started to sing

Wrapped me in ashes, she neglected my cries
Ripped my heart and purged my soul
“Its hell, where you belong”

Darkness descended and weakened my heart
Jaded… under the bloodlit moon
She watched the burning pyre,
as flames rose into the darkness,
burning the symbols of her dying past

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