Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Purple Despair

twas he who conquered
conquered my body till last
plunged the spear in me
and made merry till my last

his slow & steady act
teared my veins apart
the shining red ball theory
melted down my shaft

twas he who conquered misery
parted his delights with me
took me to the seventh heaven
and pushed me down in grief

inside her seed that hid her head
cursed a life full of dread
to the world unknown, she left his gates
beyond decay without a grace

the sun tasted blind, the day it forgot to shine
her carcass, the lifeless remain
her disembodied corpse, never been named!


Nuked Fussion said...

A girl loses her virginity and has a miscarriage. She blames him for her predicament and now suffers from low self esteem and guilt for losing that baby.. Did I get the gist of your poems right?
But the fact that it is disturbing means ur pieces are aptly written and convey the emotions well

master of naiads said...

that was brutal and yeah disturbing..
well written

Aamil said...

Reminded me of the ecstasy of Saint Teresa at first (http://aras.org/selection_ecstasy.aspx)

However, takes an abrupt turn. The idea of the miscarriage (if that is indeed the theme of the poem) was not clearly evident to me. Neither was the loss of virginity. But the sex, yes. Nice juxtaposition of ideas and wordplay.