Monday, June 13, 2011

In The Winter of My Second Death

She knelt besides death,
daunting murmurs all around
Plucked hair off her head and
gathered some dust from the ground

"It was winter that called him...
to join the deceased... to the world of ail"

a deep murmur to the pensive ear...
a joyless sound repeats her mournful tale

The dreadful hour is past
The breath long gone
Angels immortal calm her soul
As they snatch his spirit from this world of woe

No converse can delight her heart
No adulation from her shall impart
Beatrice in winter... beautiful her long mane
Beatrice in winter... bid goodbye to her sane

Reluctant they flew,
the winged darts of death
A calm resignation smiled upon her cheek,

Death fell on her gates, the next twilight
Sadness clouded her illum'd eye

Beatrice in Blossom
Radiant she shone
Beatrice in Winter
She's long gone